Baba Is Here - Graciela Busto

The nature of God is incomprehensible and mysterious. He is the indweller in each of you and He is the moving force of each action you engage in. He is both the act itself and the power that generates it. He is the cause, the effect, and the energy that emerges out of that relationship. Because He is the Source of life, all His manifestations belong to Him. God is the inborn and immanent. He is the eternal stillness and the movement that emerges from it. He generates change and remains changeless. The Lord is omnipresent, the One who accompanies you and is never absent.

God is innate in creation and exists in every manifestation.  Omnipresence is not only the essence of each object but also the conscience of each being. Omnipresence fully exists in each manifested form and cannot be separated from the undifferentiated and mysterious One.

God is not only the witness. He is the experience itself. He is the theatre and the play. He is the feelings and the most intimate thoughts of each actor in the human drama. I do not say to my devotees, 'I was there. I saw you and therefore I know what happened to you'. Rather I say, 'I was the place, I was the seer and that which was seen.'

I am every level of consciousness. I am the pure state of knowledge. I am the substance of that which is beyond the known and beyond memory.

You say: 'Swami is here,' and announce Me as a third person, without realizing that I am the One constantly in each one of you.

The Lord, omnipresent by the will of His infinite power, is the manifestation that He Himself has created, and at the same time He is the contemplator of His manifestation and also its Master.

God truly is the great mystery, and you are given the opportunity to contemplate Him in the one aspect that is closest to human understanding: the divine incarnation. His attributes are identical to the attributes of the Supreme. Baba is here on this earth for the benefit of all of humanity.

Now I tell my devotees: The divine omnipresence is the immediate boon that I reserve for all. Each one may experience this grace as his own by opening the door that leads from disbelief into the hall of faith, where My promise is fulfilled. The key to opening that door is surrender. When surrender is without reservation, the gift of God is infinite.

From Baba Is Here - Conversations with God on his Omnipresence by Graciela Busto (translated by Anthony Albanese)


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