Sai Baba - Seema Dewan's Letter of 3rd May 2011

God is omniscent,omnipotent and omnipresent..........The energy of God pervades all of this universe.............

Every speck........every atom is born from Him.....remains in Him.....and returns to Him.This is the law of existence and all beings and nature follow the rule.

Whatever form you love Him is through that form He shows himself to you. Pure unconditional love is the bond between atma (soul) and Paratma (God). He exists as Universal Consciousness and in it He has placed the Word of Truth
and whoever is able to even receive a tiny bit of the sweet honeyed love in that truth basks in bliss.

God is in the heart of every soul. Prayer is a voice of one's self that speaks to the depth of ones soul.When love for the Divine preceeds all other desire......then from that comes a two way conversation in which ones conciousness asks and one receieves in vibrational energy the answers in which are revealed Higher truths............

You can call God by any name that pleases your heart..........For example if it is Jesus you love then the subtle form of Jesus shall come to you and guide you and fill you with bliss........... 

As a young child of four even before I knew of Baba I started my inner communion with God...............I could feel His love for all of His creation in every cell of my being. I could feel His presence whether it was a temple..........mosque or church.
For me God was one Mother for all.....
Of course each of you have felt that love silently in your heart............I am no different from you............Most are silent about their love...........I too have loved my silent communion with God until Baba asked me to record it and share it...........
only so that you are able to realize that the inner voice of God is the same in all souls............

From the age of eight Baba entered my life. My prayer to see God in a human form was answered.............I have had 36 years of blessed experiences with Him both at the physical plane and spiritual...........He is more Me than I can ever be......and He guides me in the smallest requests I make of Him......He is always there.....He reminds me when I weaken.....He encourages me when I strengthen....He reminds me that my life is for Him........and that all His children are His.........

" Record all your inner conversations with Me", He had said to me.........."They will benefit mankind one day". This was in August 1990. Of course I did not know what to record for I conversed with Him all day.....
By 1992 I was married 1995 I visited Swami with my husband...........He blessed me many atimes that trip...........and asked me to return with my children............Of course as soon as I returned  I came to know that I was pregnant with twins. 'My twins" He would often refer to them as..........On June 12th 1997 I started the book"Sai Darshan". I would hear profound truths while asleep.......while awake.....while cooking......while cleaning.....while caring for the children....His work had started for me and all day I walked with a pen and paper.....I did not want to miss any of this............

In September of 1997 I visited Baba for 11 days.. He blessed the manuscript outside in the darshan 11 times....twice He   poured vibhuthi on it. He also called our family for an interview and asked me to leave the manusript with Him.
I did not even have a copy of it for myself. I thought to myself "If He keeps it thats okay is His work".
However the next day He sent it back and I was called to Mr. Chiranjeevirs office to pick it up. Baba had returned the manuscript and inserted with it a pen!!!! A message to write more...........

That's how my writing began.....several interviews followed.....and Baba asked me not to go anywhere......"Stay at home......write .....and take care of children" That is what I have done from the past 16 years......In that I have receieved 9 books completes and 5 are in the works...........

I do not in any way claim that Baba speaks THROUGH me....He resides in my heart as much as He does in yours. He speaks to you fom within as much as He speaks to me.....Whenever I would cry at my interviews with Him
He would say, "Why are you crying.....I am going home with you.".....He is with you .....with each and everyone......

With His permission alone I have recorded all my inner conversations.....He has poured his can I keep that all to becomes my duty to share it.....

I apologize to all those who have thought that I claim that he speaks through me........I HAVE NEVER CLAIMED THAT....NEVER WILL.....I have only shared my precious moments with him that I receive from within.............
I have done this because Baba asked me to and it gives each one the insight to go inward and receive Him...........

My intention is not to hurt.....nor to earn fame.....I am a small ant that still is learning to love in the purest way.....and your devotion for God...helps me to be fulfilled........... 

I will not from now on share my inner expereinces with Baba on any emails......It is creating unnecessary misundersatnding that is leadind to gossip...........

This is the time to be silent in Selfconfidence and Self awareness..........

I extend my love to all.....Baba is with you always....and He always likes to see his children happy.....My prayers  for each of you............

I will continue to write as books.....

Seema M Dewan


Anonymous said…
sai ram seema
i am very sorry to hear that your messages appear to cause unrest for people. Personally i have
found your insights and sharing of experiences very enlightening at times very comforting....
I hear our beloved Swami in your words.....we are all instruments of his if we choose to be....reading messages from you doesn t mean i don't have my own connection with Baba just opens my being to all forms communication from him available to me.
I just wanted to share my positive insights ....thank you for sharing i have found many precious gems through your writings .....
Anonymous said…
sai ram seema
i am very sorry to hear that your messages appear to cause unrest for people. Personally i have
found your insights and sharing of experiences very enlightening at times very comforting....
I hear our beloved Swami in your words.....we are all instruments of his if we choose to be....reading messages from you doesn t mean i don't have my own connection with Baba just opens my being to all forms communication from him available to me.
I just wanted to share my positive insights ....thank you for sharing i have found many precious gems through your writings .....
Anonymous said…
Sai Ram Seema
I am disappointed to hear that you will stop sharing the messages from Swami. Since Swami physical body left us, I have been so much relying on your messages from Swami as these gave me answers and strength to bear the huge vaccuum in my life of not being able to have his physical darshan anymore..Everyday I search to see whether you have any more news to share us. I think that it is great that you share this with us as we find this very comforting and something to hold on to and move on...please continue to do so....Sai Ram
Anonymous said…

thank you so much for your timely messages. please do continue as you may not know that you are being the light in someones life to continue ahead.
Anonymous said…
Hi Seema-

I enjoyed reading your messages from Swami. I am very disappointed that you decided to stop sharing them via emails and will only communicate through books. First of all, if these words are Swami's can you really decide that you won't publish them in easily accessible form (email). Yes you may have faced unpleasant criticism from certain quarters (certainly not all) but why don't you consider them being directed at Swami since you are just an instrument? As you have said in your interview that you cannot have one foot in America and one in England, similarly you cannot take up Swami's directive of printing HIS messages and then you deciding that it is a bit unplesant. If people want to criticise you they will do so for your books too. So are you going to stop that too. What you have is a gift to be shared. They are for folks that want to hear them not for folks that don't. Your books will come out some months/years later and who knows where they will be available. So please rethink your decision. Or perhaps I should appeal to the SWAMI in you to assist you in rethinking your decision about spreading SAI's message. Just like internet/email is a tool so are you. Ultimately it is all SWAMI. Having said all this I would like to offer my deepest gratitude for all that you have said (via interviews)and written (via emails - I don't have access to your books). I would also like to apologize to you for any slight you may have felt in the negative remarks coming your way from various folks. SAIRAM.
Beenan said…
Please don't stop sharing the messages of Sai baba with us. You are the link between Baba and us. PLz I beg you dear sister " DO NOT STOP"
Let the cynics carp without knowledge.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for all the messages Seema they were very welcome and consoling for us and I was glad to share them with friends.
Anonymous said…
What you are saying is very inspiring and true... I like your videos very much and I am looking forward to watching the next ones!
Sai Ram from Germany
Anonymous said…
Arjuna asked:-
"My Lord of those who Love thee as the Lord of LOVE,
and thsoe who seek Thee as a nameless formless reality,
Which way leads sure and swift

Lord Krishna replied:-
"For those who set their hearts on Me and worhsip Me with faultless devotion and faith,
The way of Love leads sure and swift to Me."

"That one I Love is incapabale of hatred,
Living beyond the reach of 'I' and 'mine',
and of pleasure and pain."

"Not agitating the world or agitated by it,
he stands above the sway of elation, competition and fear;
accepting life, good and bad as it comes."

"He is pure effecient, detached, ready to meet every demand I make upon him,
as a humble instrument of my work."

"But dearest to Me
are those who seek Me
in Love and Faith as lifes eternal Goal,
They go beyond death to immortality."
Bhagvad Gita- Bhakti Yoga Chapter 12
(As translated by Baba)

I was given the instruction by our dearest Lord to write these verses down, the next day he gave me the instruction to post these verses in this comment box to Sister Seema.

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