T he Prayer of Surrender posted outside the Western Canteen at Puttaparthy. Why get agitated? Let me take care of all your business. I shall be the one who will think about them. I am waiting for nothing else but your surrender to Me, and then you do not have to worry any more about anything. Say farewell to all fears and discouragement. You demonstrate that you do not trust Me. On the contrary, you must rely blindly on me. To surrender means to turn your thoughts away from troubles; to turn them away from difficulties you encounter and from all your problems. Leave everything into me hands saying “Lord, Thy will be done. Thou think of it”. That is to say ‘Lord, thanks you for You have taken everything into Your hands, and You will resolve this for my highest good.’ Remember that thinking of the consequences of a thing is contrary to surrender. That is to say that when you worry that a situation has not had the desired outcome, you thus demonstrate ...