T he Prayer of Surrender posted outside the Western Canteen at Puttaparthy. Why get agitated? Let me take care of all your business. I shall be the one who will think about them. I am waiting for nothing else but your surrender to Me, and then you do not have to worry any more about anything. Say farewell to all fears and discouragement. You demonstrate that you do not trust Me. On the contrary, you must rely blindly on me. To surrender means to turn your thoughts away from troubles; to turn them away from difficulties you encounter and from all your problems. Leave everything into me hands saying “Lord, Thy will be done. Thou think of it”. That is to say ‘Lord, thanks you for You have taken everything into Your hands, and You will resolve this for my highest good.’ Remember that thinking of the consequences of a thing is contrary to surrender. That is to say that when you worry that a situation has not had the desired outcome, you thus demonstrate ...
God is omniscent,omnipotent and omnipresent..........The energy of God pervades all of this universe ............. Every speck........every atom is born from Him.....remains in Him.....and returns to Him.This is the law of existence and all beings and nature follow the rule. Whatever form you love Him as.......it is through that form He shows himself to you. Pure unconditional love is the bond between atma (soul) and Paratma (God). He exists as Universal Consciousness and in it He has placed the Word of Truth and whoever is able to even receive a tiny bit of the sweet honeyed love in that truth basks in bliss. God is in the heart of every soul. Prayer is a voice of one's self that speaks to the depth of ones soul.When love for the Divine preceeds all other desire......then from that comes a two way conversation in which ones conciousness asks and one receieves in vibrational energy the answers in which are revealed Higher truths............ You can call God by any name that ...